Wow. This is by far the best sing you've ever made, when it reaches 0:26 it lacks nothing in terms of melody or power. It creates an image in my mind of a dramatic battle on top of a mountain, it perhaps a ruined tower, with lightning and rain in the background. None of the different tracks added were wasted as they create different effects that went together beautifully to create an atmosphere of, well, finality. At 2:47, I imagined the fear in our "hero's" mind as the excitement and adventure wears off and he finds himself in a dragged out, hellish struggle with reality. I think, this experience will change him, There will be no fun, laughing explorer writing a book about his adventures in the village up north after this is over, to one end or another. The style reminds me a little of Xtrullor. This song is the highlight of your music-making career and that is no overstatement.